Beyond a Certain Critical Mass, 2022
This project explores the connotations and implications of the group of
structures and relationships that is repeated in the downtown distritcs
of North American cities. A space that depends on consumption,
production and overexploitation, which defines in many aspects the life
of the people who do not inhabit it. I focus my gaze on the
psychological and identity impact that these spaces provoke in people
who, for one reason or another, spend time in them. Effects such as
anxiety, loneliness, alienation or displacement are accentuated by the
production and consumption system where urban spaces exert a masked
pressure on the individual. By stripping the purpose and culture of
congestion from these urban spaces, I attempt to remove the power they
are built upon so that the viewer can reflect on their origins and
Beyond a certain critical mass each structure becomes a monument.
Beyond a certain critical mass the relationship is stressed beyond the breaking point.
– Rem Koolhaas, Delirious New York.